A list of frequently asked questions for appraisers on the use of the Report Pro™ software.


The following specifications will provide the fewest resources for Report Pro™ to run on your system. This will greatly
impact your experience using our software.

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 10 or Higher
  • CPU: 2GHz +
  • RAM: 6GB +
  • Storage: 5GB + (additional space will be needed for saved reports)
  • .NET Framework 3.5 & 4.5
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 and Higher
  • Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera

For optimal performance, we recommend the following:

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 10 or Higher
  • CPU: 3.5GHz +
  • RAM: 8GB +
  • Storage: 100GB + (additional space will be needed for saved reports)


  • Windows 8.1 or lower
  • MacOS
  • ChromeOS
  • Linux

In addition to the following environments, ACI does not support any operating system or program its vendor no longer
provides support or updates.

  • Arm-based processors
  • Virtualization (Parallels, Boot Camp, VMWare)
  • VPN/Terminal services
  • NAS (Networked Attached Storage)
  • OneDrive, DropBox, or other cloud-based file-sharing platforms
  • Apex v6 and lower, Winsketch, and RapidSketch


If you need additional assistance, please visit ACI’s self-service center at or our YouTube channel at

You may also contact your Appraisal Management Company if you experience any issues with completing or delivering your report. For more information on ACI and our full suite of available products to elevate your business, visit and follow us on social media.

How do I CREATE a new report?

  1. Click File > New, or click the New Report icon ( ), or press CTRL+N on the keyboard.
  2. Enter the Filename for New Report and click New.
  3. Select the Report Pak, the Report Template (Optional), and the Report Picklist. Click OK to create the report.


How do I use an old report to CREATE a report with the new forms?

Save a report from one form type to another using the Save As New Form Type feature.

  1. Open a report file.
  2. Click File > Save As > New Form Type.
  3. Enter the file name for the report and click
  4. Select a new Report Pak and click OK.

CAUTION: Report data transfers to like report fields. If there are fields in the old report type that are not in the new report type, the data in those fields does not transfer. This method will leave both reports intact, however, so anything that does not transfer can be copy/pasted where necessary.


How do I sign a report with a Supervisory Appraiser Signature?

  1. Click Tools > Sign Report or click the Sign Report icon ( ) on the toolbar or press CTRL+SHIFT+S on the keyboard.
  2. Select the Signature Name, enter the Password, and click OK.
  3. Select the Sign As role i.e., Appraiser, Supervisory Appraiser or Review Appraiser, and click Sign.

NOTE: Available roles are determined by the forms included in the report.

  1. If the report contains a signature date, click Yes at the prompt to change the report signed date to today’s date, or click No to retain the original signature date.
  2. The signature name is displayed in the Signed By Click Done to sign the report.


How do I adjust my field font sizes?

  1. Click into the field in question, then right click.
  2. Select Font from the list.
  3. In the box that appears, you can adjust the font size, type, and style. Click OK when finished.

TIP: CTRL+Shift+F can be used as a hotkey to pull the font formatting box up. Additionally, you can also use CTRL+< or CTRL+> to increase or decrease the size of the text.


How can I get the fields to adjust font sizes by itself?

  1. Click on Options > Environment.
  2. On the left-hand side, click on Editing.
    The following options are available for selection:

    1. Field Overflow
      1. Stop editing at end of field
        The cursor stops at the end of the field when typing. Text entry is limited to the field length.
      2. Scroll the field to show the overflow text
        The field accepts the typed text. Text entry is not limited to the field length.  When leaving the field, the field color changes to the Overflow Field Color. (Red is the default Overflow Field Color. See Colors for additional information.) Scroll through the field to reduce text to field size.
  • Shrink the field’s font size
    Font is auto resized to fit the field while typing. This option is impacted by the option selected under Addendum File Overflow.

    1. If Shrink the field’s font size and Do not invoke the addendum writer on overflow are selected, single-line non-addendum fields will auto-resize the font size until the field turns red. Single-line addendum fields will auto-resize the font size until the field turns red; multi-line addendum fields will not auto-resize the font size.
    2. If Shrink the field’s font size and Ask before invoking the addendum writer on overflow are selected, single-line non-addendum fields will auto-resize the font size until the field turns red. Single-line addendum and multi-line addendum fields will not auto-resize the font size. The user will be prompted before text is overflowed into the addendum.
    3. If Shrink the field’s font size and Automatically invoke addendum writer on overflow are selected, single-line non-addendum fields will auto-resize the font size until the field turns red. Single-line addendum and multi-line addendum fields will not auto-resize the font size. Text automatically flows into the addendum when the cursor reaches the end of a section.


  1. Addendum Field Overflow
    1. Do not invoke the addendum writer on overflow
      The cursor stops at the end of the field when typing comments. Text entry is limited to the field length.
    2. Ask before invoking the addendum writer on overflow
      When the cursor reaches the end of a section, Report asks before overflowing the text into the addendum. Click Yes to overflow the text or click No to cancel.
  • Automatically invoke addendum writer on overflow
    Text automatically flows into the addendum when the cursor reaches the end of a section.
  1. Flow to next/previous form in report
    With this option enabled, the next component on the list opens when pressing Enter or Tab on the last field of the previous form.


How do I reduce my photo sizes?

  1. Right-click the image and click Edit Image.
  2. Click Resize to edit image size.

NOTE: The recommended total image size is 200 KB or less.

  1. Adjust the Resize % or the Width x Height. Click Apply and then click OK.

TIP: 800 x 600, medium resolution, is a good default.

  1. Review the image in the Image Edit window and make additional adjustments if necessary. Click OK to accept the changes and close the editor or click Reset to cancel changes.

CAUTION: Changes made to images are permanent. To undo the changes, reinsert the original image into the report.


Help! My report is crashing!

Please contact our support department at 800-234-8727 for troubleshooting assistance.

My software is not rounding correctly or has decimals. How do I fix this?

  1. Click into the field in question, then right click.
  2. If the field is a numeric field, you should see an option for Numeric.
  3. In that box, there are three options.
    1. Rounding: Adjusts what place the software will round to.
    2. Negative Values: Reflects whether the software will reflect negative values and how.
    3. Type: Reflects whether the software will populate a denoted symbol in the field.
  4. Adjust your settings as appropriate, then click OK.


How do I Sign my Report?

  1. In Report Pro, go to Tools > Sign Report.
  2. Select your name from the dropdown list.
  3. Enter your signature password.
  4. Highlight Appraiser at the Sign As screen and click Sign then Done.


How do I use Sky Maps?

  1. In Report Pro, go to Tools > Mapping > Sky Maps.
  2. If prompted with a product permissions screen, enter your password as provided by your support representative.
  3. The software will generate a map. Adjust your location markers as needed, then click Accept Map.


How do I Enable the Supervisory Signature on the Letter of Transmittal?

With a report open:

  1. Go to Options > Report > Letter of Transmittal > Display.
  2. Check the box next to Print Supervisory Appraiser Info.

Note: This option will remain enabled for new reports.


How do I Run Review Master?

Review Master analyzes reports for missing or incorrectly formatted data. When running Review Master on a report, the data in each field is validated against a set of rules. Messages are displayed for each field that failed validation:

– Errors: These items must be corrected to receive a ‘Pass’.

– Warnings: These items may require comments or corrections.

– Instructional: Items to be addressed for full compliance or acknowledged.

You can check your report in two ways:

  1. Go to Tools > Review Master.
  2. Click the Review Master icon on the toolbar.
  3. Select Par Logic for the ruleset.
  4. Click Run to begin. Review Master will run the Par Logic rules against the file to verify compliance.

Once finished, the Review Master will display its findings. Double-click on each error to be directed to the specific field.


My appraisal report is estimated “As Is.” How should I complete this on the new report?

This following guideline is derived from frequently asked questions within our appraiser network, highlighting best practices for completing the new AIC forms. Official member guidance issued by the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) should take precedence if any conflicts in information.

  1. Under the Improvements section, ensure “Appraised As Is” checkbox is selected.
  2. Under the Certification section, the dropdown field on the righthand side from the value can be left blank OR a dropdown option needs to be selected with additional verbiage updates.
    1. Input the value and select “Other (specify)” option in the dropdown.
    2. Update “Other (Specify) to “As Is”. The section should look like the below screenshot.


My appraisal report is estimated “As If Complete.” How should I complete this on the new report?

This following guideline is derived from frequently asked questions within our appraiser network, highlighting best practices for completing the new AIC forms. Official member guidance issued by the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) should take precedence if any conflicts in information.

  1. Under the Improvements section, ensure “As if Complete (new construction/renovation)” checkbox is selected.
  2. Under the Certification section, the “As if 100% Complete (new construction/renovation)” option must be selected.


My appraisal report is estimated “As Is” and I need to provide an alternative estimated value. How should I complete this on the new report?

This following guideline is derived from frequently asked questions within our appraiser network, highlighting best practices for completing the new AIC forms. Official member guidance issued by the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) should take precedence if any conflicts in information.

  1. Under the Improvements section, ensure “Appraised As Is” checkbox is selected.
  2. Under the Certification section, the dropdown field on the righthand side from the value can be left blank OR a dropdown option needs to be selected with additional verbiage updates.
    1. Input the value and select “Other (specify)” option in the dropdown.
    2. Update “Other (specify) to “AS IS.”
  3. Click on File > Add/Remove Forms.
  4. A pak creator modal will display the list of job paks in Report Pro. Locate the “AIC As Is-As If Complete Addendum 2024” under the forms pool and select it.
  5. Using the right direction arrow, move the report to the current report pool on the right hand side and click Save Report.
  6. Confirm the addendum is now included on the left-hand side in your components list in your report.
  7. Navigate to the addendum and select “As If Complete (new construction/renovation)”.


My appraisal report is estimated “As Is” and I need to provide an alternative estimated value. How should I complete this on the new report?

This following guideline is derived from frequently asked questions within our appraiser network, highlighting best practices for completing the new AIC forms. Official member guidance issued by the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) should take precedence if any conflicts in information.

  1. Under the Improvements section, ensure “As if Complete (new construction/renovation)” checkbox is selected.
  2. Under the Certification section, the “As if 100% Complete (new construction/renovation)” option must be selected.
  3. Click on File > Add/Remove Forms.
  4. A pak creator modal will display the list of job paks in Report Pro. Locate the “AIC As Is-As If Complete Addendum 2024” under the forms pool and select it.
  5. Using the right direction arrow, move the report to the current report pool on the right hand side and click Save Report.
  6. Confirm the addendum is now included on the left-hand side in your components list in your report.
  7. Navigate to the addendum and select “Appraised As Is” checkbox.

How do I import the picklist file?

  1. Click File > Common Responses > Import.
  2. Browse to the location of the Common Response file, select the file, and click Open.
  3. Enter the name of the new Common Response file and click OK.

How do I use the picklist file or swap back to my original picklist file?

  1. Select the Common Response file to apply to the current report.
  2. Click File > Common Responses > Select.
  3. Select the Common Response file and click OK. The responses in the selected Common Response file are now available in the current report

My cost approach addendum is calculated incorrectly.

After August 6, 2024, the calculations on the cost approach will be corrected in the web updates in the software. Please run your web updates (Help > CSA Webupdate). You may still find that the Estimated Value by the Cost Approach rounds too much. See “MY SOFTWARE IS NOT ROUNDING CORRECTLY OR HAS DECIMALS. HOW DO I FIX THIS?” for help on adjusting the rounding.

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