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Delivering Files in ENV Format (AI Ready™/AppraisalPort)

About AI Ready™

Appraisal Institute Ready™ (AI Ready™) is an accreditation given to forms software packages by the Appraisal Institute, indicating that those forms comply with the Institute’s residential data storage and transmission standard. All software and web interfaces consistent with the AI standard can mark their software with the AI Ready logo, indicating they can read and write to the same XML format.

Before AI Ready™, which uses FNC’s Open Appraisal Document Interface (OADI) technology, industry consensus on a standard for appraisal transmission was non-existent. The OADI was designed as an interface specification for transferring proprietary appraisal data formats into the open AI XML standard and vice versa. The interface provides appraisal document software companies with a common application programming interface (API) for translating the data into the standard format.

Delivering a File in ENV Format

  1. Open a report in ACI.
  2. Click eServices > Send Report > AI Ready.
  3. Enter the Web Product Permission Password (Company Password) and click OK if prompted.
  4. The AI Ready ruleset will automatically run against the file to verify compliance.

Note: For the report to receive a Pass rating, errors must be corrected. Double-click a message to jump to the referenced field. After making corrections, re-submit the file for delivery. The report passes when no errors are found.


  1. In the next window, click Save Local Copy to save a copy of the ENV file. The file will open in another window to show you the completed ENV.
    • Save Local Copy of File(s) – this option will let you save a work folder containing the ENV, XML, and images from your report directly to your PC. The default save location is C:\Program Files (x86)\ACI32\XML Documents\.

To enable file extensions in File Explorer, follow these steps:

  1. Open File Explorer and go to the View tab.
  2. Check the box for “File Name Extensions” under the Show section.

To set a different default save location for your ENV files, do the following:

  1. When creating the ENV file, click on Browse in the initial window that appears.
  2. Choose the preferred location where you want to save the file.
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