Save As Features

Using the Save As feature allows for multiple ways to save the current report.

To save a copy of the report file to another location, (e.g., an external storage device):

  1. Click File > Save As > Report.
  2. Browse to the file storage location.
  3. Enter the File Name for the report.
  4. Click OK.


Save As Report Backup File

Report Backup Files are saved with the same filename as the report and a file extension of .ABK. The default file location of Report Backup Files is C:\Program Files\ACI32\REPORTS. If a report file is lost or corrupt, open the .ABK file and save it as a Report (.ACI) file.

  1. You can open the Report Backup File in three ways:
    1. Click File > Open.
    2. Click the  (Open Report) icon.
    3. Press CTRL+O on the keyboard.
  2. Browse to the location of the Report Backup File.
  3. Select Report Backup (*.abk, *.zbk) under Type of Files.
  4. Select a file and click Open.
  5. Click File > Save As > Report.
  6. Enter the File Name for the report file.
  7. Click OK.


Save As Template

This feature allows you to save a report as a template file for future use. The template file will auto-populate text and reduce typing when creating new reports.

To use the Save As Template feature:

  1. Follow the steps for Creating a New Report or Opening an Existing Report.
    2. Click File > Save As > Template.
    3. Enter the Description (name) of the template.
    4. Click OK.
    Templates are saved with a .act file extension. The template is available the next time a report using the selected Report Pak is created.

See Using Templates for additional information.

Save As New Form Type

ACI Report allows you to save a report from one form type to another using the Save As New Form Type feature.

  1. Follow the steps for Opening an Existing Report.
  2. Click File > Save As > New Form Type.
  3. Enter the File Name for the report.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Select a new Report Pack.
  6. Click OK.


Save As .ACI Format

To save a file as a standard .ACI file:

  1. Follow steps for Opening an Existing Report.
  2. Click File > Save As > ACI Format.
  3. Enter the File Name for the report.
  4. Click Save.


Save As .ZOO Format

To save a file as a .ZOO file:

  1. Follow steps for Opening an Existing Report.
  2. Click File > Save As > Zoo Format.
  3. Enter the File Name for the report.
  4. Click Save.


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