Tap an order on the Orders Page to open its Inspection Page.
The back button at the top-left of the screen will take you back to your list of orders.
Photos for the inspection are displayed at the top of the screen. Swipe to see other photos saved to the inspection.
The due date and order status are displayed below the photos, just above the form type and subject address.
Tapping on the map of the property opens your device’s GPS app with directions to the address.
The shortcut buttons for Sketch, Notes and Photos indicate the number of items you have in each section.
The Site, Exterior and Interior buttons open those sections and display a count of photos in each section.
Aggregate data for your order, such as the Neighborhood Sales and Subject Property Snapshot, are shown towards the bottom of the page.
The Order Details and a timeline of Milestones for the order are at the bottom of the Inspection Page.
A Schedule button is displayed at the bottom of your Unscheduled Orders.
Orders that have already been scheduled have a Start Inspection button which takes you into the Site Data Collection Page.
If an order is on hold, the button at the bottom right will say On-Hold and tapping it takes you to the order’s hold information.