Turning on eServices Logs

Enabling eServices Logs

eServices log files capture activity while using an eService. ACI uses this data to analyze the eService activity and design solutions.

  1. Open ACI and click eServices > Options.
  2. Select Log eService Activity and Log XML Communications.
  3. Verify that the Primary Log File Path contains a valid path (default location: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\ACI\Logs)
  4. Click OK.


Clearing and Emailing the eServices Logs

When reporting an eService issue, please clear the logs folder first, recreate the issue, and then send the log files to our support team.

  1. Click eServices > Options.
  2. At the bottom of the window, click Clear out the log folder and click OK.
Clearing the eServices logs folder helps to isolate the issue and may reduce the amount of time needed to respond to and resolve the reported issue.
  1. After clearing the eServices log folder, recreate the eService issue you experienced. When the issue occurs, exit the eService.
  2. Click eServices > Options.
  3. At the bottom of the window, click Zip log files to Desktop and click OK.
  4. Open a new email, attach the .ZIP file located on the computer’s desktop, write an explanation of the issue you are reporting, and send the email to support@aciweb.com.
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