ACI memberships include access to ACI Sky™ Data, our public record data service that covers 100% of U.S. housing stock.
Powered by First American®, ACI Sky™ Data gathers sales information including recorded sales, tax information, as well as FEMA and Census data for the subject property and up to 9 comparable properties.
To use ACI Sky Data on the subject property and/or comparable sales:
- Open up ACI Report™.
- Enter the subject and any comparable addresses for your report.
- From the top menu, go to eServices > ACI Sky™ Services > Sky Data.
- An ACI Sky Data window will appear displaying property information.
- Select or deselect the fields you wish to populate for the subject property.
- Click on the Comparables tab to view property data for your comparable addresses.
- Click each address to expand property information and select/deselect the fields you wish to populate into your report.
- Once complete, click on Import.
The information available varies depending upon each municipality, but data imports using Sky Data generally include the critical salient features of your subject and comparable properties. Sky Data is FREE to all ACI clients with an active ACI membership.