Using Add/Remove/Reorder Forms

  1. You can access the Add/Remove Forms feature in three ways:
    1. Click File > Add/Remove Forms.
    2. Click the (Add/Remove Forms) icon.
    3. Press Alt+F+F on the keyboard.
  2. To Add a form:
    1. Select a form in the Forms Pool.
    2. Click the (Add to pak) icon to add the form to the Current Report.
  3. To Remove a form:
    1. Select a form in the Current Report.
    2. Click the (Remove selection from pak) icon to remove the form from the Current Report and return it to the Forms Pool.
  4. To Reorder a form:
    1. Select a form in the Current Report.
    2. Click the (Move selection up) or (Move selection down) icons to reorder the form within the Current Report.
  5. Click Save Report to accept changes.

Note: In most cases, selecting a form from the Forms Pool and adding it to the Current Report removes the form from the Forms Pool. This feature prevents duplicate forms in a report. Other forms are designed for replication. Multiple copies of the Extra Photo or the Extra Map pages can be added to a report.

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