Using File Lister

File Lister is a listing of all files created using Report and updated with corresponding orders in Track. File Lister provides a quick and easy way to view the order information for appraisal files. File Lister utilizes canned and user-defined View and Search Schemes to organize the displayed list.

Integration Options

Set the Report-to-Track integration options under Environment Options in the Report program. Integration options control updates to the Track database when saving and closing reports.

Setting Integration Options

  1. Open the Report program.
  2. Click Options > Environment > Integration.

Update order database on close
Selecting this option automatically updates the Track database when closing a report. This option is selected by default.
Only if the report file has been modified
Selecting this option updates the Track database only when the report has been modified. This option is selected by default.
Always create an appraiser if one does not exist
Selecting this option automatically creates an appraiser record in Track if the appraiser is not found in the database.

If this option is deselected, the Report program prompts for adding the appraiser to the database when saving and closing reports. 

Always create client if one does not exist
Selecting this option automatically creates a client record in Track if the client is not found in the database.

If this option is deselected, the Report program prompts for adding the client to the database when saving and closing reports.

  1. Click OK to save any changes and exit Environment Options.


Using File Lister in Report

  1. Click File > File Lister, or click the File Lister icon, or press CTRL+SHIFT+O on the keyboard.
  2. Use the View and Search Schemes to filter the list (optional). Select a report and double-click it to open the file, or click Close to exit File Lister without opening a report.
Tip: Enter specific criteria, for example, Client File Number, in the Find field to locate a report. The Find criteria changes with the selected View Scheme


Opening Orders in Track

  1. Click File > Open Order, or click the Open Order icon, or press CTRL+O on the keyboard.
  2. Use the View and Search Schemes to filter the list (optional).
Tip: Enter specific criteria, for example, Client File Number, in the Find field to locate a report. The Find criteria changes with the selected View Scheme
  1. Double-click an order or click the Open icon.


Customizing View Schemes

View Schemes help organize the information in File Lister. Use View Schemes to create custom on-screen displays of fields in a specific order. Creating or modifying a View Scheme sorts the on-screen display without hiding or filtering data. File Lister includes preset View Schemes that can be modified.

  1. Click File > File Lister, or click the File Lister icon, or press CTRL+SHIFT+O on the keyboard.
  2. Click the Setup View Scheme icon to the right of the View menu.
  3. Select a View Scheme. By default, the last selected View Scheme is displayed
  4. Arrange fields in the Grid Field Order section. Select a field and drag it to the preferred location, or click the Up and Down arrows to move the selected field in the list.
  5. Select the Sort By method.

Index – Sorts using a pre-defined indexing method.
Fields – Sorts by selected grid fields.

  1. Click action.

OK – Applies View Scheme settings immediately (one-time view).
Cancel – Returns to the previous screen. Changes are not applied.
Defaults – Restores the default settings for the selected View Scheme.
Delete – Removes the selected View Scheme.
Save – Saves the current settings to the selected View Scheme name.
Save As – Saves the current settings as a new View Scheme.

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